In March, I told you about a book raising the troubling question of whether Muslim politicians can truly follow their oath of office to support the U.S. Constitution. The question arises because sharia law conflicts with the Constitution in so many ways. The book is Islamic Doctrine Versus the U.S. Constitution: The Dilemma for Muslim Public Officials, written by Stephen Kirby and published by the Center for Security Policy.
Since March, I have been working with the author and other activists on the Muslim Oath Project to bring attention to this issue. The Muslim Oath Project resides on my personal website, Liberato.US. Dr. Kirby sent questionnaires to 233 Muslim office-holders and candidates across the country asking whether they would express support for the Constitution. Only 16 expressed support for our founding document. That means 93 percent of all Muslim politicians contacted would not. Which leads to the following obvious question: If Muslim politicians won’t express support for the Constitution, why should they get to lead us? Remember: Muslims believe sharia law is the supreme law of the land, above any human law or Constitution. Evidently, 93 percent of Muslim politicians in America prefer a code that imposes amputation for theft, stoning for adultery, and death to apostates to a document which limits the powers of government and guarantees individual rights. A cancer is growing in the body politic; the list of Muslim office-holders is very long in states like New Jersey, Michigan, and Minnesota. Virginia, New York, Illinois and several other states are not far behind. Dr. Kirby, with the help of other activists, has just completed a 10-part video series exploring the conflicts between sharia law and the U.S. Constitution. The video series is also on Liberato.US. Each video is about seven minutes long and explores a different constitutional issue like the oath of office, slavery and the 13th Amendment, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and cruel and unusual punishment. Dr. Kirby and others have been called racists and Islamophobes for raising these questions. Islam claims to be above all criticism, even criticism based on constitutional grounds. But, as Dr. Kirby likes to point out, CAIR itself says, "It is not appropriate to label all, or even the majority of those, who question Islam and Muslims as Islamophobes." (Documentation here.) Dr. Kirby and those helping him are not engaged in rants. Every point is factual, often from Islamic sources considered authoritative by Muslims themselves. Not only is everything Kirby says factual, but the material examines some of the most fundamental questions that ought to concern every American - Is the U.S. Constitution the supreme law of the land or not? Are we to be governed by a theocracy where the mullahs control every aspect of your life, right down to which hand to use when you’re going to the bathroom? Do we really want a country where there is no free speech for anybody or no equal protection of the law for women? Where barbaric punishments like chopping people’s hands off and stoning them to death are allowed by law? Or do we want to continue the American Idea with limited government and individual rights, as set forth in the Constitution? This is not a rant; this is exactly the ground that we as Tea Partiers need to be fighting on. The final video is a call to action. Ways to get involved can be found on the Muslim Oath Project pages. Maybe you think it doesn’t hurt bad enough yet, but the problem with waiting until it does is, by that time, it will be too late. Tackling the situation now gets my vote. Comments are closed.
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