Separation of Powers: 2nd Circuit panel allows the Justice Department to block certain funds to sanctuary jurisdictions; Congress delegated authority to Attorney General to set conditions on grants in question Separation of Powers: Supreme Court hears oral arguments on constitutionality of CFPB; Director not answerable to the President Separation of Powers: federal judge rules Trump’s diversion of $90M in Pentagon funds for border wall unlawful when Congress tried to stop it and $90M military project in Washington state was delayed; decision appears to buck Supreme Court ruling 2A: Supreme Court won’t block Trump’s bump stock ban for now 1A: 9th Circuit shoots down PragerU free speech appeal, rules YouTube may be a ‘virtual public square’ but not a state actor subject to the First Amendment Electoral College: LULAC fails in bid to rewrite Electoral College rules by awarding electoral votes proportionally; 5th Circuit upholds winner take all system Electoral College: Virginia Senate committee punts National Popular Vote proposal to next year Equal Rights Amendment: Careful what you wish for - Mother’s Day, single-sex education, Roe v. Wade, transgenderism, 230 pages of distinctions between men and women in the U.S. Code, and other imponderables await 1A: 5th Circuit hears oral arguments in UTexas ‘hate speech police’ case; trial judge found colleges have a right to balance free expression with civility Eminent Domain: Federal Circuit upholds landowners’ right to sue for just compensation when government converts railroad track into recreational trail Eminent Domain: class action seeks just compensation for thousands of parking ticket recipients whose vehicles were seized and sold by city towing contractor 14A: article argues forgotten words of 14A Section 2 could be used to decrease representation in Congress of states that infringe the right to vote Shame! on the high school in Ohio that told Future Farmers of America they could not fly Trump flags on their tractors, and Kudos! to the kids who staged a tractor parade to school, flags waving high in defiance Comments are closed.
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