Guarantee against Cruel and Unusual Punishment in the Spotlight (Constitution news round-up)4/3/2019
8A: lethal injection not cruel and unusual punishment despite death row inmate’s medical condition that would generate unusual pain, Supreme Court rules 8A: Supreme Court solicitous of victims’ rights in death penalty case; called on lower courts to recognize delay is harmful to victims' families and to prevent tactical delays 8A: refusal of Texas to pay for inmate’s gender reassignment surgery is not cruel and unusual punishment (5th Circuit) 1A: Supreme Court declines to hear secret taping case involving Planned Parenthood’s sale of baby parts; lawsuit may proceed 5A: One of the remaining challenges to President Trump’s travel ban was thrown out of court. Any right to “familial association” cannot be used to demand U.S. visas for family members overseas. So-called ‘Equality Act’ would assault conscience rights, institutionalize transgenderism, harm gender dysphoric children, and reduce adoption and foster care Federal judge allows challenge to Illinois school district transgender locker room policy to go forward; 1A Free Exercise of Religion claim cognizable, but no 5A right not to be seen unclothed by the opposite sex !A: federal judge rules Arkansas city’s panhandling ban is unconstitutional; physical interaction is protected by the First Amendment 1A: professor’s profanity and discussion of her and her students’ sex lives are unrelated to course material and do not fall within academic freedom (5th Circuit) 1A Religion: Sufi Muslim inmate files appeal to test whether prison can use promise of attendance at weekly prayer services as a motivator to get inmate to improve behavior 2A: California’s ban on magazines that hold more than 10 bullets unconstitutional, federal judge rules 2A: right to have stun guns vindicated in two more decisions 2A: Did the U.S. agree to full implementation of the onerous UN gun control pact? U.S. citizen info to go into global tracking database? 4A: law enforcement is entitled to rely on warrant issued by a court (good faith exception) (6th Circuit) 4A: police cannot lie to get permission to search and avoid securing a warrant. Looking for child porn, policed asked to inspect computers claiming one of them is "sending a signal and/or viruses to computers in Washington." (5th Circuit) 5A Double Jeopardy: disgorgement of profits and imposition of fines for insider trading are civil penalties and do not bar criminal prosecution for same misconduct (11th Circuit) 5A: aggressive City of Baltimore files eminent domain suit to take Pimlico racetrack ... AND THE PREAKNESS HORSE RACE! 6A: speedy trial rights violated when defendants spend 5 years in pretrial detention after evidence goes missing and prosecutors take 3 years to decide on the death penalty (2nd Circuit) 6A: right to counsel violated when appointed attorney insists on insanity defense over defendant’s objections (9th Circuit) Original meaning of 14A Privileges or Immunities clause protects unenumerated natural rights Shame! Eric Holder asserts ‘America was never great’ (but was forced to retreat after backlash) #HateAmericaFirstCrowd Comments are closed.
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