Discrimination: Fall-out begins from Supreme Court’s atrocious transgender / sexual orientation decision - ACLU sues to force Catholic hospital to perform transgender surgery; more implications for free speech, women’s athletics, parental rights to pass on their values, etc.
https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/tyler-o-neil/2020/07/23/aclu-sues-to-force-catholic-hospital-to-perform-transgender-surgery-citing-gorsuch-decision-n675924 Emergency Powers: Supreme Court defers to public health authorities again, decides against churches a second time on COVID restrictions https://www.vox.com/2020/7/25/21338216/supreme-court-churches-pandemic-covid-samuel-alito-brett-kavanaugh-calvary-chapel 1A: federal judge tosses prosecution for harassment emails sent to Mitch McConnell; rejects government’s argument speech was ‘integral to criminal conduct’ https://reason.com/2020/07/28/harassing-e-mail-to-sen-mcconnell-cant-be-punished-as-speech-integral-to-criminal-conduct/ 1A: Chinese student sues Fordham for barring him from campus for Instagram post implying gun ownership can prevent Tiananmen Square-style massacres https://www.oann.com/chinese-student-sues-fordham-university/ 1A: Pro-Trump women’s group sues de Blasio over refusal to grant permission to paint a street mural; Mayor’s initial response - ‘Black Lives Matter transcends politics’ https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/07/women-america-first-file-lawsuit-request-paint-blm-style-street-mural-nyc-denied/ 2A: “5,000 guns stolen in first week of June, alone. Still think background checks are going to keep guns out of criminal hands?” (h/t VCDL) https://bearingarms.com/tomk/2020/07/20/among-other-crimes-gun-store-robberies-spike/ 2A: “Who needs more than 10 shots? Female Cop Shoots at a Knife Attacker 14 Times” (h/t VCDL) https://bearingarms.com/tomk/2020/07/20/among-other-crimes-gun-store-robberies-spike/ 4A: “The Fourth Amendment does not require officers to knock and announce their presence before entering an open door.” (son left front door to defendant’s house open) (8th Circuit) https://ecf.ca8.uscourts.gov/opndir/20/07/182976P.pdf 8A: Courts, not sheriffs, get to set conditions of release; sheriff can’t hold people after they make bail, or make up other conditions (7th Circuit) http://media.ca7.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/rssExec.pl?Submit=Display&Path=Y2020/D07-23/C:19-2108:J:Hamilton:aut:T:fnOp:N:2551529:S:0 Electoral College: federal appeals court upholds time-honored ‘winner-take-all’ system for South Carolina’s votes in Electoral College; declines to institute proportional results (4th Circuit) https://www.ca4.uscourts.gov/opinions/191297.P.pdf Shame! Two women’s pro basketball teams walk off the court when the National Anthem is played. I suggest you relocate to the economic basket case of your choice - I hear Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and North Korea are nice this time of year. If you’re not willing to do that, then thank your lucky stars you live in America. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/07/america-hating-wnba-players-ny-liberty-seattle-storm-walk-off-court-protest-national-anthem-played-video/ Kudos! Camp Constitution has record turn-out this year - congratulations! https://campconstitution.net/camp-constitutions-12-annual-family-camp-largest-turnout-in-our-history/ Comments are closed.
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